
Een fijne meditatie van Afke

Vandaag delen we een fijne oefening van Afke die je helpt om je gedachten uit je hoofd af te leiden. Fijn als je hoofd vol gedachten is! 




Afke Reijenga is yoga, adem en tantra coach. Het heeft haar altijd al geïntrigeerd hoe je door beweging en adem je eigen mood en energie kunt veranderen en jezelf kunt bevrijden.

Een langere versie van deze oefening vind je op het inspirerende Instagramaccount van Afke:


Dit bericht bekijken op Instagram


The dance of Shiva & Shakti It’s for me the perfect way to wake up! It’s an ancient yoga practice originally from a small village in the Himalaya region in India. This sequence is made to move your body in different ways so it stays healthy. Back there they didn’t have a doctor, you healed yourself with yoga. It’s a standing sequence made out of 20 different movements. You can expect flowing movements resembling traditional hatha yoga with movements that might remind you of Tai Chi and Chi Kung. We will work with the elements and energy body to deepen the practice. You don’t necessarily need a yoga mat and really can do it almost everywhere. Together with @esmeejiskoot we will share our morning practice, the dance of Shiva & Shakti. We learned this sequence around 1,5 years ago from @petercliffordanahatayoga and since then we practice it daily. Starting the 2nd of September, 11 times online by zoom and one live meeting. The perfect way to learn the sequence and develop your own morning routine. Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 8-9am (Amsterdam time zone). Do you want to join? Costs are 125,- euro. More information in the link in my bio. Benefits: – Change your mind’s perspective of your daily activities empowering you to actively create situations that enhance the quality of your life. – Physically tone, stretch and strengthen the muscle body. – Enhance personal health and vitality by creating tissue pumps that promote the circulation of blood and lymphatic fluids in the organs and tissues of the body. – Increase the volume and quality of the breath which promotes energy and vitality. – Create a calm meditative state that promotes the release of mental stress and anxiety, creating space for reflection, contemplation and creativity. If you feel a yes, then join us and create your own morning flow. #yoga #practice #morningpractice#yogatraining #onlineyogatraining

Een bericht gedeeld door Afke ~ Yoga Teacher ~ tantrika (@afkereijenga) op


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